A look at the Indiana Jones artifacts

Sadigh Gallery believes that learning about human history need not be boring. There are countless periods in human existence that are filled with intrigue and mystery. What’s more is that authors everywhere have incorporated many of these legends from the significant eras of history into their stories. Indeed, learning can be fun. In line with that, Sadigh Gallery believes it’s time for a fun-filled look back at some of the most important ancient artifacts spotlighted in the wildly popular Indiana Jones film franchise. Image source: io9.gizmodo.com Image source: mashable.com The Ark of the Covenant Featured in “Raiders of the Lost Ark,” the Ark of the Covenant is where the Ten Commandments are housed. The two tablets (and a rumored third) were placed inside the Ark during the Exodus to the Promised Land. In the movie, the Nazis go after it in an effort to win the war. But of course, professor, archeologist, and adventurer Indiana Jones is there to thwart thei...