Intriguing recent historical and archaeological discoveries

Image source: A lot of new and often-intriguing findings in archeology have occurred in recent years, some proving to be historically relevant and altering. Some of these are unearthed or recently discovered ancient artifacts and sites like a new cave for the Dead Sea Scrolls found in 2017, the purportedly fake James Ossuary, and a watercolor sketch of a ship flying a British flag, seen to mean that Australian pirates had been to Japan even at a time when the Asian country was living in isolation in the early 1800s. An ancient dinosaur fossil was made available for public viewing in late 2017, first displayed in the Royal Tyrrell Museum in Canada. It is now considered the best fossil discovery of all time, sculpture-like in detail and preservation. Scientists say that it’s that of a heavily armored and spiked ankylosaur known as the Borealopelta, a species that’s 110 million years old. It was excavated in a quarry in 2011 and took over five years to separ...